Accommodation: overview Aftereffect of Movement Afterimages Afterimages, negative Agard, James: background Agard, James: form & complexity Agard, James: inversion Agard, James: inversion experiments Agard, James: perception & environment Amacrine Cells Ambiguous Cube Ambiguous Organization American Flag Amodal Completion Anorthoscopic Perception Apparent Movement Art, subsidary awareness of Attention & Recognition Attention, role of Auto-Stereograms Autokinetic Effect Binocular Convergence Bipolar Cells & Horizontal Cells Bipolars & Ganglions: connections Blobs Brain, state of knowledge of Brain: structure & function Callosum, studies of the physiology Cast Shadow Center-Surround Fields, significance of Color and the Spatial Variable Color Constancy, neural basis of Color Grouping Color Vision Color Vision, theories of Color Vision: conclusion Color, general comments Complex Cells Constancies, other spatial Constancy Constancy Reconsidered Constancy, lightness Constancy: learned or innate Constancy: stimulus-relation explanation Constancy: taking-into-account explanation Contours, subjective Convention & Picture Perception Convergence: overview Corpus Callosum & Stereopsis Corpus Callosum, the Corridor Illusion Cortex, architecture of Cortex, maps of Cortex, primary visual Cortex, units of function in Cortex, visual, anatomy of Cortex, visual, architecture of Cortex, visual, layers of Cortical Cells, responses of Create Your Own Pattern Cues to 3D: all cues combined Cunningham, Merce: background Cunningham, Merce: camera space Cunningham, Merce: Ocean, orientation Cunningham, Merce: stage vs. camera Cunningham, Merce: the eye Cunningham, Merce: the frame Davies, Char: ambiguous spatial relationships Davies, Char: background Davies, Char: luminosity Davies, Char: orientation & perception Davies, Char: VR, Osmose, & ambiguity Defect, the nature of Deformation of the Cortex Delboeuf Illusion Deprivation & Development Deprivation Results, broader implications of Deprivation, anatomical consequences of Depth Perception, Origin of Directional Selectivity Discriminating Among Similar Objects Distortion, the problem of Drawing Drawing and Perceptual Constancy Drawing From Memory Drawing Subtle Shapes Drop Shadows Edge Perception Effects of Past Experience Egocentric Orientation Emmert's Law End Stopping Environmental Orientation Explanations of Perception Eye, the Eye-Dominance Columns: normal development Eye as Camera Eyeball, the Fading Dot Failure of Constancy Fallon, Kate: background Fallon, Kate: camera vs. eye Fallon, Kate: form, place & space Fallon, Kate: memory & recognition Fallon, Kate: visual memory Familiar Size Figure-Ground Differentiation Form & Organization Frame of Reference, visual Free Stereograms Ganglion Cells: receptive fields Geometrical Illusions Geometrical Optics Grouping Hering Theory How We See Hubel Preface Illusions & Experience Illusions of Direction Impossible Crate Impossible Triangle Impulse, the Impulses, Synapses, & Circuits Intelligence of Perception Interposition Interposition Tested Kennedy, John: background Kennedy, John: depicting 3D elements Kennedy, John: distortion Kennedy, John: spatial relationships Kennedy, John: vision & touch Lateral Geniculate Cells, responses of Lateral Geniculate, layering of Light, direction of Light, nature of Longhi, Nick: background Longhi, Nick: importance of vision Longhi, Nick: judging depth Longhi, Nick: perceiving speed Longhi, Nick: perception & driving Looming Effect Magnification and Modules Malik, Jitendra: 3D models from still photos Malik, Jitendra: background Malik, Jitendra: computer vision & traffic Malik, Jitendra: computer vs. human vision Malik, Jitendra: image recognition Membrane Potential Moon Illusion Moore, James: background Moore, James: orientation cues Moore, James: orientation illusions Moore, James: size vs. depth Motion & Depth Motion Cues Motion Parallax Experiment Motion Parallax: overview Motion When We're Moving Motion, induced Motion, induced self- Motion, perception of Motion, relative Movement, voluntary Movement-Sensitive Cells Moving Pictures Müller-Lyer Illusion Negative Portrait Nerve Cells: structure Neural Pathway, typical Neural Plasticity: further studies Nijhawan Experiment Ocular-Dominance Columns Oculomotor Cues Orientation Columns Orientation Constancy Orientation & Shape Orientation-Specific Cells Parmet, Phil: background Parmet, Phil: film & depth Parmet, Phil: illusion of night Parmet, Phil: light & range of eye Parmet, Phil: moving pictures Past Experience, form perception without Patterned Activity, role in neural development Patterns Which Vibrate Perception & Art Perception as a Mental Construction Perception as a Science Perception of Real Motion Perception, Emotion, & Awareness Perception, Knowledge, & Past Experience Perceptual Reversal Perspective Perspective, components of Photoreceptors, the Pictorial Cues Pictorial Information: overview Pictures: why do we see them as we do? Pigments Pigments, visual, genetics of Poggendorff Illusion Ponzo Illusion Present & Future Receptive Field: wiring Receptive Fields: concept Receptive Fields: dimensions Receptive Fields: overlap Receptive Fields: scatter & drift Receptors, visual Recognition & Identification Recovery Retina, the Retina: cross section Retinal Cells: cross section Retinal Disparity Retinal Disparity: overview Retinal Nerves Animation Retinal Receptors Animation Rock Conclusion Rock Preface Satiation Experiment Scher, Jeff: "emotion to motion" Scher, Jeff: abstraction, recognition Scher, Jeff: animating color Scher, Jeff: background Scher, Jeff: illusion of motion Scher, Jeff: repetition & attention Shadow Shadow & Kinetic Depth Shape & Apparent Motion Simple Cells Simple Cells: implications Spinners Stereoblindness Stereokinetic Effect Stereopsis Stereopsis & Corpus Callosum Stereopsis, difficulties posed by Stereopsis, physiology of Strabismus Striate Cortex, shape of Synaptic Transmission Teller: audience's attention Teller: background Teller: illusions & magic Teller: illusions & mirrors Teller: motion & deception Teller: perceptual disguises Ternus Effect Theory of Perception: outline Third Dimension, paths to the Topographic Representation Upright Vision: from inverted image Upright Vision: from upright image? Upright World Vase/ Face Vision, physiology of: early results Visual Pathway Visual Pathway Animation Visual Pathway, recording from Visual Pathway: left & right Visual Pathway: wiring Wagon-Wheel Effect Wallach Wallach Experiment Waterfall Illusion World of Perception